Volver Conjugation Chart & Full Tense Guide

“Volver” is a Spanish verb in the infinitive form meaning “to return” or “to come back.”
As an irregular verb, “volver” doesn’t follow the standard conjugation rules seen in regular verbs, as the verb stem changes in certain forms. This adds a little complexity to its conjugation.
Still, Spanish verb conjugation doesn’t need to be a daunting task, even when it comes to verbs that doesn’t follow regular conjugation rules.
I’m James, from Learn Spanish With James, a site put together to help you with Spanish conjugation.
In this guide, I’ve outlined every conjugation of “volver” across the indicative, imperative, and subjunctive tenses with examples sentences and their English translations.
Whether you’re expressing statements, giving commands, or conveying desires, learning how to conjugate “volver” and similar irregular verbs will enhance your proficiency in Spanish.
Present Tense
Pronouns Pronombres
I yo vuelvo
you tú vuelves
he,she,it, you(formal) él,ella,usted vuelve
we nosotros,nosotras volvemos
you pl. vosotros, vosotras volvéis
they, you pl. (formal) ellos,ellas,ustedes vuelven
When we use the Present Tense
The present tense in Spanish is used to describe actions that are currently happening, habitual actions, and general truths.
Here, “volver” follows the conjugation pattern similar to other Spanish verbs ending in -er (o,es,e,emos,éis,en).
However, as it belongs to the category of stem-changing verbs, it has an irregular conjugation, so its spelling alters with specific pronouns.
Examples of the Present Tense “Volver” Conjugation
- Yo vuelvo a casa todos los días. (I come back home every day.)
- Tú vuelves tarde del trabajo. (You come back late from work.)
- Él/ella vuelve a su país de origen este verano. (He/She comes back to his/her home country this summer.)
- Nosotros volvemos a visitar la ciudad cada año. (We come back to visit the city every year.)
- Vosotros volvéis con buenas noticias. (You all come back with good news.)
- Ellos/ellas vuelven a empezar desde el principio. (They start over from the beginning.)
Preterite Tense
Pronouns Pronombres
I yo volví
you tú volviste
he, she. it, you (formal) él, ella, usted volvió
we nosotros, nosotras volvimos
you (plural) vosotros, vosotras volvisteis
they, you (pl. formal) ellos, ellas, ustedes volvieron
When we use the Preterite Tense
The preterite tense is used to describe completed actions in the past.
When we want to conjugate a regular verb in the preterite tense (like “volver”), we remove the infinitive ending and add the appropriate preterite tense endings.
Examples of the Preterite Tense “Volver” Conjugation
- Yo volví de mis vacaciones ayer. (I came back from my vacation yesterday.)
- Tú volviste a preguntar por ella. (You asked about her again.)
- Él/ella volvió a ganar la competición. (He/She won the competition again.)
- Nosotros volvimos a encontrarnos después de muchos años. (We met again after many years.)
- Vosotros volvisteis con las manos vacías. (You all came back empty-handed.)
- Ellos/ellas volvieron a su rutina diaria. (They returned to their daily routine.)
Imperfect Tense
Pronouns Pronombres
I yo volvía
you tú volvías
he, she, it, you (formal) él, ella, usted volvía
we nosotros, nosotras volvíamos
you (plural) vosotros, vosotras volvíais
they, you(pl. formal) ellos, ellas, ustedes volvían
When we use the Imperfect Tense
The imperfect tense is used to describe ongoing or repeated actions in the past, as well as to express habitual actions or states of being.
The translation of “volver” in the imperfect tense into English is “used to return” or “was returning”.
In order to conjugate regular verbs like “volver” in the imperfect tense, remove the infinitive ending and add the appropriate imperfect tense endings.
As you’ll see below and in the above “volver” conjugation chart, this is an easy set of verb conjugation to learn.
Examples of the Verb “Volver” in the Imperfect Tense
- Yo volvía a casa cuando empezó a llover. (I was coming back home when it started to rain.)
- Tú volvías de la escuela a la misma hora todos los días. (You used to come back from school at the same time every day.)
- Él/ella volvía a intentarlo una y otra vez. (He/She kept trying again and again.)
- Nosotros volvíamos a visitar a nuestros abuelos en verano. (We used to come back to visit our grandparents in the summer.)
- Vosotros volvíais con nuevas ideas cada vez. (You all came back with new ideas each time.)
- Ellos/ellas volvían cansados del viaje. (They returned tired from the trip.)
Future Tense
Pronouns Pronombres
I yo volveré
you tú volverás
he,she,it, you(formal) él,ella,usted volverá
we nosotros,nosotras volveremos
you pl. vosotros, vosotras volveréis
they, you pl. (formal) ellos,ellas,ustedes volverán
When we use the Future Tense
The future tense is used to express actions that will happen in the future.
So, the translation is “will return” or “will come back”.
When we want to conjugate irregular verbs like “volver” in the future tense, we need to add the appropriate future tense endings to the infinitive of the verb.
Examples of this are below.
Examples of the Future Tense “Volver” Conjugation
- Yo volveré a casa más tarde. (I will come back home later.)
- Tú volverás a verla en la fiesta. (You will see her again at the party.)
- Él/ella volverá cuando termine sus estudios. (He/She will come back when he/she finishes his/her studies.)
- Nosotros volveremos a intentarlo mañana. (We will try again tomorrow.)
- Vosotros volveréis con más experiencia después del viaje. (You all will come back with more experience after the trip.)
- Ellos/ellas volverán a reunirse en el mismo lugar. (They will meet again at the same place.)
Conditional Tense
Pronouns Pronombres
I yo volvería
you tú volverías
he,she,it, you(formal) él,ella,usted volvería
we nosotros,nosotras volveríamos
you pl. vosotros, vosotras volveríais
they, you pl. (formal) ellos,ellas,ustedes volverían
When we use the Conditional Tense
The conditional tense is used to express actions that would happen under certain conditions or to convey a polite request or suggestion.
When we want to conjugate “volver” in the conditional tense, we add the appropriate conditional tense endings to the infinitive form of the verb.
Conjugations for this verb are in the table above. As you can see in each sentence, in both singular and plural forms, this looks like the below in practice.
Examples of the Conditional “Volver” Conjugation
- Yo volvería si tuviera más tiempo. (I would come back if I had more time.)
- Tú volverías si te lo pidiera. (You would come back if I asked you to.)
- Él/ella volvería si le ofrecieras ayuda. (He/She would come back if you offered help.)
- Nosotros volveríamos a intentarlo si fuera posible. (We would try again if it were possible.)
- Vosotros volveríais si os sintierais mejor. (You all would come back if you felt better.)
- Ellos/ellas volverían si las condiciones fueran diferentes. (They would come back if the conditions were different.)
Perfect Tense
Pronouns Pronombres Auxiliary verb ‘haber’
I yo he vuelto
you tú has vuelto
he,she,it, you(formal) él,ella,usted ha vuelto
we nosotros,nosotras hemos vuelto
you pl. vosotros, vosotras habéis vuelto
they, you pl. (formal) ellos,ellas,ustedes han vuelto
When we use the Perfect Tense
The perfect tense describes actions that have been completed recently or in the past, but the exact time is not specified.
It is equivalent to the English present perfect tense.
In order to form the perfect tense, we need to use the auxiliary verb “haber” in the present tense followed by the past participle of the main verb.
For example, “Has vuelto tú a preguntar lo mismo?” (Have you asked the same thing again?)
Examples of The Spanish Verb “Volver” in the Pretérito Perfecto Tense
- Yo he vuelto a casa después de trabajar. (I have come back home after working.)
- Tú has vuelto a preguntar lo mismo. (You have asked the same thing again.)
- Él/ella ha vuelto a visitar a sus amigos en el extranjero. (He/She has come back to visit his/her friends abroad.)
- Nosotros hemos vuelto a encontrarnos en la misma situación. (We have found ourselves in the same situation again.)
- Vosotros habéis vuelto con más energía después de las vacaciones. (You all have come back with more energy after the holidays.)
- Ellos/ellas han vuelto a cambiar de planes. (They have changed plans again.)
Pluperfect Tense
Pronouns Pronombres Auxiliary verb ‘haber’
I yo había vuelto
you tú habías vuelto
he,she,it, you(formal) él,ella,usted había vuelto
we nosotros,nosotras habíamos vuelto
you pl. vosotros, vosotras habíais vuelto
they, you pl. (formal) ellos,ellas,ustedes habían vuelto
When we use the Pluperfect Tense
In Spanish, we use the pluperfect tense when we want to describe actions that had already been completed before another past action took place.
In order to form the pluperfect tense, use the auxiliary verb “haber” in the imperfect tense followed by the past participle of the main verb.
Examples of “Volver” in the Pluperfect Tense
- Yo había vuelto a leer ese libro varias veces. (I had come back to read that book several times.)
- Tú habías vuelto a intentarlo antes de rendirte. (You had tried again before giving up.)
- Él/ella había vuelto a recordar aquellos días felices. (He/She had remembered those happy days again.)
- Nosotros habíamos vuelto a escuchar esa canción muchas veces. (We had listened to that song again many times.)
- Vosotros habíais vuelto a verla recientemente. (You all had seen her again recently.)
- Ellos/ellas habían vuelto a trabajar juntos en el mismo proyecto. (They had worked together again on the same project.)
Future Perfect Tense
Pronouns Pronombres Auxiliary verb ‘haber’
I yo habré vuelto
you tú habrás vuelto
he,she,it, you(formal) él,ella,usted habrá vuelto
we nosotros,nosotras habremos vuelto
you pl. vosotros, vosotras habréis vuelto
they, you pl. (formal) ellos,ellas,ustedes habrán vuelto
When we use the Future Perfect Tense
The future perfect tense is used to describe actions that will have been completed by a certain point in the future.
In order to form the future perfect tense, use the auxiliary verb “haber” in the future tense followed by the past participle of the main verb.
Examples of “Volver” in the Future Perfect Tense
- Yo habré vuelto a casa para las nueve. (I will have come back home by nine o’clock.)
- Tú habrás vuelto de tus vacaciones para entonces. (You will have come back from your vacation by then.)
- Él/ella habrá vuelto de su viaje el próximo mes. (He/She will have come back from his/her trip next month.)
- Nosotros habremos vuelto a empezar desde cero. (We will have started over from scratch.)
- Vosotros habréis vuelto a verla antes de la reunión. (You all will have seen her again before the meeting.)
- Ellos/ellas habrán vuelto a casa cuando lleguemos. (They will have come back home by the time we arrive.)
Conditional Perfect Tense
Pronouns Pronombres Auxiliary verb ‘haber’
I yo habría vuelto
you tú habrías vuelto
he,she,it, you(formal) él,ella,usted habría vuelto
we nosotros,nosotras habríamos vuelto
you pl. vosotros, vosotras habríais vuelto
they, you pl. (formal) ellos,ellas,ustedes habrían vuelto
When we use the Conditional Perfect Tense
The conditional perfect tense is used to describe actions that would have been completed under certain conditions in the past.
When we want to form the conditional perfect tense in Spanish, we use the conditional tense of the auxiliary verb “haber” followed by the past participle of the main verb.
Examples of “Volver” in the Conditional Perfect Tense
- Yo habría vuelto si hubiera tenido tiempo. (I would have come back if I had had time.)
- Tú habrías vuelto con él si te lo hubiera pedido. (You would have come back with him if he had asked you to.)
- Él/ella habría vuelto antes si hubiera podido. (He/She would have come back earlier if he/she had been able to.)
- Nosotros habríamos vuelto a intentarlo si las circunstancias hubieran sido diferentes. (We would have tried again if the circumstances had been different.)
- Vosotros habríais vuelto a verla si hubiera sido necesario. (You all would have seen her again if it had been necessary.)
- Ellos/ellas habrían vuelto si hubieran tenido más información. (They would have come back if they had had more information.)
Present Subjunctive Tense
Pronouns Pronombres
I yo vuelva
you tú vuelvas
he,she,it, you(formal) él,ella,usted vuelva
we nosotros,nosotras volvamos
you pl. vosotros, vosotras volváis
they, you pl. (formal) ellos,ellas,ustedes vuelvan
When we use the Present Subjunctive Tense
The present subjunctive is used to express desires, doubts, wishes, and hypothetical situations.
To conjugate “volver” in the present subjunctive tense, remove the infinitive ending and add the appropriate present subjunctive endings.
If you have already learned the present tense of “volver”, then this will be a little easier for you.
Examples of “Volver” in the Present Subjunctive Tense
- Es importante que yo vuelva a casa antes de oscurecer. (It’s important that I come back home before it gets dark.)
- Espero que tú vuelvas pronto. (I hope you come back soon.)
- Es necesario que él/ella vuelva antes de que sea demasiado tarde. (It’s necessary for him/her to come back before it’s too late.)
- Ojalá que nosotros volvamos a vernos pronto. (I hope we see each other again soon.)
- Dudo que vosotros volváis a encontrarlo. (I doubt you will find him again.)
- Espero que ellos/ellas vuelvan a sentirse mejor pronto. (I hope they feel better soon.)
Imperfect Subjunctive Tense
Pronouns Pronombres
I yo volviera, volviese
you tú volvieras, volvieses
he,she,it, you(formal) él,ella,usted volviera, volviese
we nosotros,nosotras volviéramos, volviésemos
you pl. vosotros, vosotras volvierais, volvieseis
they, you pl. (formal) ellos,ellas,ustedes volvieran, volviesen
When we use the Imperfect Subjunctive Tense
The imperfect subjunctive is used to express hypothetical situations, wishes, and desires in the past.
To conjugate “volver” in the imperfect subjunctive tense, remove the infinitive ending and add the appropriate imperfect subjunctive endings.
This tense is more complex, for all Spanish verbs, and mastering the imperfect subjunctive will take practice.
Examples of “Volver” in the Imperfect Subjunctive Tense
- Si yo volviera a aquel lugar, recordaría muchos recuerdos felices. (If I were to return to that place, I would recall many happy memories.)
- Yo deseaba que tú volvieras conmigo. (I wished you would come back with me.)
- Prefería que él/ella volviera más tarde. (I preferred he/she would come back later.)
- Queríamos que nosotros volviéramos a tener esa experiencia. (We wanted to have that experience again.)
- Dudábamos que vosotros volvierais a verlo. (We doubted you would see him again.)
- Esperábamos que ellos/ellas volvieran a visitarnos pronto. (We hoped they would visit us again soon.)
Affirmative Imperative
Pronouns Pronombres
you tú ¡vuelve!
he,she,it, you(formal) él,ella,usted ¡vuelva!
we nosotros,nosotras ¡volvamos!
you pl. vosotros, vosotras ¡volved!
they, you pl. (formal) ellos,ellas,ustedes ¡vuelvan!
When We Use The Affirmative Imperative
The affirmative imperative is used to give direct commands or orders in a positive manner.
When using the affirmative imperative with the verb “volver,” you’re instructing someone to return or come back.
Examples of the Affirmative Imperative “Volver” Conjugation
- ¡Vuelve pronto! (Come back soon!)
- Volvamos juntos. (Let’s return together.)
- ¡Volved antes del anochecer! (Come back before nightfall.)
Negative Imperative
Pronouns Pronombres
you tú ¡no vuelvas!
he,she,it, you(formal) él,ella,usted ¡no vuelva!
we nosotros,nosotras ¡no volvamos!
you pl. vosotros, vosotras ¡no volváis!
they, you pl. (formal) ellos,ellas,ustedes ¡no vuelvan!
When We Use The Negative Imperative
The negative imperative is used to give direct commands or orders in a negative manner, often expressing prohibition or advice against doing something.
When using the negative imperative with the verb “volver,” you’re instructing someone not to return or come back.
Examples of the Negative Imperative “Volver” Conjugation
- No vuelvas tarde. (Don’t come back late.)
- No volvamos por el mismo camino. (Let’s not go back the same way.)
- No volváis sin permiso. (Don’t come back without permission.)
Online Spanish Courses & Grammar Courses
For a full list of Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Courses, check out this full list of online Spanish courses.
I put this list together myself, and it comprises a mixture of courses that offer Spanish grammar practice for all levels, conversational practice, listening and writing exercises in Spanish, free Spanish courses, and a whole lot more.
The fastest way to learn Spanish is to test a mixture of Spanish resources, including ones on Spanish verb conjugation, and choose the course that coincides most with your learning style.
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About James – Or Should that be Santiago?
My name is James. I am a Brit with a love for the Spanish language. I have lived in Spain, Argentina, and Costa Rica, and I have been teaching Spanish for over a decade. This site will show you how to master the elements of Spanish grammar that often dishearten learners. I hope you enjoy the site and find it useful.
If you are interested in taking your Spanish to the next level, check out the Courses section for a full list of the Spanish courses I suggest. All reviews are based on my personal opinions.