Special – James visits Medellín, Colombia
Special – James visits Medellín, Colombia
- 18 June 2024
- Posted by: James

Special – James visits Medellín, Colombia
In this episode, James visits Baselang Spanish School in Medellín, Colombia.
In a conversation between James and the Baselang team, you’ll hear about Medellín and what makes it such a special city, how it has changed, the famous “paisa” accent, what makes Colombian Spanish different, and much more.
Standout words and expressions from this episode
Below, you will find standout words and expressions that arise from the conversation you’ll hear in this episode.
- 1. Paisa
This is a person from the Antioquia region of Colombia“Mi amigo es paisa y siempre trae café delicioso.”
My friend is a paisa and always brings delicious coffee.
2. Acá
Acá is used more commonly than “aquí” in South America. It means “here”.
“Ven acá, necesito mostrarte algo.”
Come here, I need to show you something.
3. Bacano (Slang)
Cool, great
“Ese concierto estuvo bacano.”
That concert was cool.
4. Chévere (Slang)
Cool, nice
“La fiesta de anoche fue chévere.”
Last night’s party was nice.
5. Venezolano
“Mi vecino es venezolano y cocina muy bien.”
My neighbor is Venezuelan and cooks very well.
6. Alto flujo
High flow
“Hay un alto flujo de turistas en esta temporada.”
There is a high flow of tourists this season.
7. Si no me equivoco
If I’m not mistaken
“Si no me equivoco, la reunión es a las tres.”
If I’m not mistaken, the meeting is at three.
8. En peligro
In danger
“Ese animal está en peligro de extinción.”
That animal is in danger of extinction.9. Transporte público
Public transportation
“Uso el transporte público para ir al trabajo.”
I use public transportation to get to work.
10. Trayecto
Journey, route
“El trayecto hasta la playa fue largo pero divertido.”
The journey to the beach was long but fun.11. Regresar
To return
“Voy a regresar a casa temprano hoy.”
I will return home early today.12. Afuera
“Vamos a jugar afuera después de la cena.”
Let’s play outside after dinner.
13. Seguridad
Security, safety
“La seguridad en el aeropuerto es muy estricta.”
The security at the airport is very strict.
14. En la calle
On the street
“Vi a un amigo en la calle ayer.”
I saw a friend on the street yesterday.
15. Diferentes partes
Different parts
“Visitamos diferentes partes de la ciudad durante nuestra excursión.”
We visited different parts of the city during our tour.
16. No dar papaya
Don’t give an opportunity (Colombian slang for not making oneself vulnerable to theft or trouble)
“En la ciudad, es mejor no dar papaya y cuidar tus pertenencias.”
In the city, it’s better not to give an opportunity and take care of your belongings.

About James – Or Should that be Santiago?
My name is James. I am a Brit with a love for the Spanish language. I have lived in Spain, Argentina, and Costa Rica, and I have been teaching Spanish for over a decade. This site will show you how to master the elements of Spanish grammar that often dishearten learners. I hope you enjoy the site and find it useful.
If you are interested in taking your Spanish to the next level, check out the Courses section for a full list of the Spanish courses I suggest. All reviews are based on my personal opinions.