Escribir Conjugation Chart & Full Tense Guide

“Escribir” is a Spanish irregular verb meaning “to write”.
I’m James, from Learn Spanish With James and the host of the Learn Spanish With James Podcast.
In this guide, we’ll explore every “escribir” conjugation across simple and compound tenses.
I’ll also provide example sentences to help you grasp Spanish verb conjugation in context.
And while Spanish verb conjugation may initially seem daunting with such verbs, fear not – mastering it is well within your grasp.
Present Tense
Pronouns Pronombres
I yo escribo
you tú escribes
he,she,it, you(formal) él,ella,usted escribe
we nosotros,nosotras escribimos
you pl. vosotros, vosotras escribís
they, you pl. (formal) ellos,ellas,ustedes escriben
When We Use the Present Tense
In Spanish, the present tense is used to express actions that are currently happening or habitual actions.
An example of this is “I write”.
The indicative present continuous (estoy escribiendo) describes ongoing actions (I am writing).
Examples of the Present Tense “Escribir” Conjugation
- Yo escribo un libro cada año. (I write a book every year.)
- Tú escribes cartas a tus amigos. (You write letters to your friends.)
- Él/ella escribe en su diario todas las noches. (He/she writes in his/her diary every night.)
- Nosotros escribimos poemas para el concurso. (We write poems for the contest.)
- Vosotros escribís correos electrónicos a vuestra familia. (You all write emails to your family.)
- Ellos/ellas escriben ensayos para la clase de literatura. (They write essays for the literature class.)
Preterite Tense
Pronouns Pronombres
I yo escribí
you tú escribiste
he, she. it, you (formal) él, ella, usted escribió
we nosotros, nosotras escribimos
you (plural) vosotros, vosotras escribisteis
they, you (pl. formal) ellos, ellas, ustedes escribieron
When We Use the Preterite Tense
You will need to learn the preterite tense in Spanish to describe actions completed in the past as a specific point.
With the verb “escribir” this becomes “I wrote” in the first person singular form.
You’ll notice that this is different from the imperfect tense, so try not to confuse these two past tenses.
“Escribir” follows regular conjugation patterns in the preterite tense. You will see these in context below.
Examples of the Preterite Tense “Escribir” Conjugation
- Yo escribí una novela el año pasado. (I wrote a novel last year.)
- Tú escribiste una carta de amor. (You wrote a love letter.)
- Él/ella escribió un poema para su pareja. (He/she wrote a poem for his/her partner.)
- Nosotros escribimos una canción juntos. (We wrote a song together.)
- Vosotros escribisteis un mensaje en la pizarra. (You all wrote a message on the board.)
- Ellos/ellas escribieron un guión para la obra de teatro. (They wrote a script for the play.)
Imperfect Tense
Pronouns Pronombres
I yo escribía
you tú escribías
he, she, it, you (formal) él, ella, usted escribía
we nosotros, nosotras escribíamos
you (plural) vosotros, vosotras escribíais
they, you(pl. formal) ellos, ellas, ustedes escribían
When We Use the Imperfect Tense
In Spanish, the imperfect tense is used to describe ongoing or repeated actions in the past.
This makes it differ from the preterite tense (in the previous example).
The translation of “escribir” in the imperfect tense is “was writing” and “used to write”.
Examples of the Imperfect Tense “Escribir” Conjugation
- Yo escribía cuentos cuando era niño. (I used to write stories when I was a child.)
- Tú escribías en tu diario todos los días. (You used to write in your diary every day.)
- Él/ella escribía poemas en la playa. (He/she used to write poems at the beach.)
- Nosotros escribíamos cartas a nuestros abuelos. (We used to write letters to our grandparents.)
- Vosotros escribíais en el cuaderno de clase. (You all used to write in the class notebook.)
- Ellos/ellas escribían en la pizarra durante la lección. (They used to write on the board during the lesson.)
Future Tense
Pronouns Pronombres
I yo escribiré
you tú escribirás
he,she,it, you(formal) él,ella,usted escribirá
we nosotros,nosotras escribiremos
you pl. vosotros, vosotras escribiréis
they, you pl. (formal) ellos,ellas,ustedes escribirán
When We use the Future Tense
The future tense in the Spanish language is used to describe actions that will happen later on in the future.
For example, “I will write a book tomorrow”.
In order to conjugate ”escribir” in the future tense, we need to add the following verb endings, as seen in the examples below, to the end of the infinitive.
Top Tip: Future tense conjugation usually stays the same, even for irregular -IR verbs. Check out the following conjugation guides to see this for yourself: “Decidir“, “Vivir“, “Seguir“, and “Ir“.
Examples of the Future Tense “Escribir” Conjugation
- Yo escribiré un libro sobre mi experiencia. (I will write a book about my experience.)
- Tú escribirás un artículo para el periódico. (You will write an article for the newspaper.)
- Él/ella escribirá una carta de agradecimiento. (He/she will write a thank-you letter.)
- Nosotros escribiremos un guión para la película. (We will write a script for the movie.)
- Vosotros escribiréis un mensaje en la tarjeta de cumpleaños. (You all will write a message on the birthday card.)
- Ellos/ellas escribirán un discurso para la ceremonia. (They will write a speech for the ceremony.)
Conditional Tense
Pronouns Pronombres
I yo escribiría
you tú escribirías
he,she,it, you(formal) él,ella,usted escribiría
we nosotros,nosotras escribiríamos
you pl. vosotros, vosotras escribiríais
they, you pl. (formal) ellos,ellas,ustedes escribirían
When We Use the Conditional Tense
The conditional tense is used to express actions that would happen under certain conditions.
For example, “I would write a book if I had time”.
You’ll notice that this tense, when followed by “si” (if), triggers the imperfect subjunctive, which we’ll come onto shortly.
The conditional tense is easy to learn. Just add the relevant endings to the infinitive form.
Examples of the Conditional “Escribir” Conjugation
- Yo escribiría un libro si tuviera más tiempo. (I would write a book if I had more time.)
- Tú escribirías una canción si supieras tocar la guitarra. (You would write a song if you knew how to play the guitar.)
- Él/ella escribiría un poema si estuviera inspirado. (He/she would write a poem if he/she were inspired.)
- Nosotros escribiríamos un blog si nos pagaran por ello. (We would write a blog if we were paid for it.)
- Vosotros escribiréis una historia si os lo pidieran. (You all would write a story if they asked you to.)
- Ellos/ellas escribirían una novela si tuvieran la oportunidad. (They would write a novel if they had the chance.)
Preterite Perfect Tense
Pronouns Pronombres Auxiliary verb ‘haber’
I yo he escrito
you tú has escrito
he,she,it, you(formal) él,ella,usted ha escrito
we nosotros,nosotras hemos escrito
you pl. vosotros, vosotras habéis escrito
they, you pl. (formal) ellos,ellas,ustedes han escrito
When We Use the Preterite Perfect Tense
The preterite perfect tense, also known as the perfect tense, allows us to describe actions that have been completed before a specific point in the past, similar to the indicative present perfect tense in English.
For example, “I have written a book”.
In order to form this tense, you need to conjugate the auxiliary verb ”haber” and add the past participle ”escrito.”
This past participle “escrito” stays the same in the perfect tense, as well as the pluperfect tense, the future perfect tense, and the conditional perfect tense.
We’ll come onto these shortly.
Examples of the Preterite Perfect “Escribir” Conjugation
- Yo he escrito un libro en mi vida. (I have written one book in my life.)
- Tú has escrito un artículo para la revista. (You have written an article for the magazine.)
- Él/ella ha escrito una carta de recomendación para su amigo. (He/she has written a recommendation letter for his/her friend.)
- Nosotros hemos escrito un guión para el cortometraje. (We have written a script for the short film.)
- Vosotros habéis escrito una canción juntos. (You all have written a song together.)
- Ellos/ellas han escrito un informe detallado sobre el proyecto. (They have written a detailed report about the project.)
Pluperfect Tense
Pronouns Pronombres Auxiliary verb ‘haber’
I yo había escrito
you tú habías escrito
he,she,it, you(formal) él,ella,usted había escrito
we nosotros,nosotras habíamos escrito
you pl. vosotros, vosotras habíais escrito
they, you pl. (formal) ellos,ellas,ustedes habían escrito
When We Use the Pluperfect Tense
We use the pluperfect tense in Spanish when we want to describe actions that had been completed before another past action.
An example of this is “I had written a book before I turned 30”.
This tense is similar to the past perfect tense in English and again requires specific conjugated forms of the auxiliary verb ”haber” and the past participle.
Examples of Escribir in the Pluperfect Tense
- Yo había escrito el primer capítulo antes de conocer al editor. (I had written the first chapter before meeting the editor.)
- Tú habías escrito un poema antes de la clase de literatura. (You had written a poem before the literature class.)
- Él/ella había escrito el guión antes de ensayar. (He/she had written the script before rehearsing.)
- Nosotros habíamos escrito el informe antes de la reunión. (We had written the report before the meeting.)
- Vosotros habíais escrito la carta antes de enviarla. (You all had written the letter before sending it.)
- Ellos/ellas habían escrito el artículo antes de la fecha límite. (They had written the article before the deadline.)
Future Perfect Tense
Pronouns Pronombres Auxiliary verb ‘haber’
I yo habré escrito
you tú habrás escrito
he,she,it, you(formal) él,ella,usted habrá escrito
we nosotros,nosotras habremos escrito
you pl. vosotros, vosotras habréis escrito
they, you pl. (formal) ellos,ellas,ustedes habrán escrito
When We Use the Future Perfect Tense
The future perfect tense is used to describe actions that will have been completed by a certain point in the future.
You should get the idea now based on the previous examples. The translation with “escribir” is “I will have written”.
Again, we form this tense with the specific conjugated forms of the auxiliary verb ”haber”, and the past participle of “escribir”.
Examples of “Escribir” in the Future Perfect Tense
- Yo habré escrito el libro para el próximo año. (I will have written the book by next year.)
- Tú habrás escrito la tesis antes de graduarte. (You will have written the thesis before graduating.)
- Él/ella habrá escrito el guión para la próxima semana
- Él/ella habrá escrito el guión para la próxima semana. (He/she will have written the script by next week.)
- Nosotros habremos escrito el informe antes de la presentación. (We will have written the report before the presentation.)
- Vosotros habréis escrito las tarjetas de Navidad para diciembre. (You all will have written the Christmas cards by December.)
- Ellos/ellas habrán escrito los discursos para la ceremonia de graduación. (They will have written the speeches for the graduation ceremony.)
Conditional Perfect Tense
Pronouns Pronombres Auxiliary verb ‘haber’
I yo habría escrito
you tú habrías escrito
he,she,it, you(formal) él,ella,usted habría escrito
we nosotros,nosotras habríamos escrito
you pl. vosotros, vosotras habríais escrito
they, you pl. (formal) ellos,ellas,ustedes habrían escrito
When We Use the Conditional Perfect Tense
The conditional perfect tense is used to describe actions that would have been completed under certain conditions in the past.
For example, “I would have written the book, if I’d had more time”.
When we employ the conditional perfect tense with the verb “escribir”, we typically refer to hypothetical situations or actions related to writing dependent on specific circumstances in the past.
I have provided examples below of how to use “escribir” in the conditional perfect tense.
Examples of “Escribir” in the Conditional Perfect Tense
- Yo habría escrito el libro si hubiera tenido más tiempo. (I would have written the book if I had had more time.)
- Tú habrías escrito la canción si hubieras tenido inspiración. (You would have written the song if you had had inspiration.)
- Él/ella habría escrito el poema si le hubieran pedido. (He/she would have written the poem if they had asked him/her.)
- Nosotros habríamos escrito el artículo si nos hubieran dado la oportunidad. (We would have written the article if they had given us the chance.)
- Vosotros habríais escrito la historia si hubierais tenido más información. (You all would have written the story if you had had more information.)
- Ellos/ellas habrían escrito la novela si hubieran tenido el tiempo suficiente. (They would have written the novel if they had had enough time.)
Present Subjunctive
Pronouns Pronombres
I yo escriba
you tú escribas
he,she,it, you(formal) él,ella,usted escriba
we nosotros,nosotras escribamos
you pl. vosotros, vosotras escribáis
they, you pl. (formal) ellos,ellas,ustedes escriban
When We Use the Present Subjunctive
The present subjunctive is used to express desires, doubts, or uncertainty about an action.
In Spanish, we also use this tense after verbs of influence, desire, necessity, doubt, or emotion in the main clause, such as:
- querer que (to want that)
- esperar que (to hope that)
- dudar que (to doubt that)
- preferir que (to prefer that).
Examples of “Escribir” in the Present Subjunctive
- Tú necesitas que yo te escriba una carta de ánimo para que te sientas mejor. (You need me to write you a letter of encouragement so that you feel better.)
- Yo quiero que tú escribas una carta a tus padres. (I want you to write a letter to your parents.)
- Es importante que él/ella escriba en su diario todos los días. (It’s important that he/she writes in his/her diary every day.)
- Dudo que nosotros escribamos un libro este año. (I doubt that we will write a book this year.)
- Espero que vosotros escribáis un poema para la competición. (I hope that you all write a poem for the competition.)
- Ojalá que ellos/ellas escriban un guion interesante. (I hope that they write an interesting script.)
Imperfect Subjunctive
Pronouns Pronombres
I yo escribiera, escribiese
you tú escribieras, escribieses
he,she,it, you(formal) él,ella,usted escribiera, escribiese
we nosotros,nosotras escribiéramos, escribiésemos
you pl. vosotros, vosotras escribierais, escribieseis
they, you pl. (formal) ellos,ellas,ustedes escribieran, escribiesen
When We Use the Imperfect Subjunctive
The imperfect subjunctive is used to express hypothetical situations, wishes, or uncertainty, this time in the past.
It can also appear in subordinate clauses introduced by conjunctions like:
- si (if)
- como si (as if)
- aunque (even though)
- and mientras (while)
Examples of “Escribir” in the Imperfect Subjunctive
- Quería que él escribiera el libro antes del fin de este mes. (I wanted him to write the book before the end of the month.)
- Ellos querían que escribieras el libro antes del fin de este mes.(They wanted you to write the book before the end of this month.)
- Era importante que escribiera el libro antes del fin de semana. (It was important for him to write the book before the weekend).
- Era importante que escribiéramos el ensayo antes de los demás. (It was important that we write the essay before everyone else).
- Ellos preferían que vosotros escribierais un poema en lugar de una canción. (They preferred for you all to write a poem instead of a song.)
- Yo deseaba que escribieran un mensaje de felicitación. (I wanted them to write a congratulatory message).
Affirmative Imperative
Pronouns Pronombres
you tú ¡escribe!
he,she,it, you(formal) él,ella,usted ¡escriba!
we nosotros,nosotras ¡escribamos!
you pl. vosotros, vosotras ¡escribid!
they, you pl. (formal) ellos,ellas,ustedes ¡escriban!
When We Use The Affirmative Imperative
The affirmative imperative is used to give commands or orders in a direct, affirmative manner.
When we want to use the affirmative imperative in Spanish, we instruct someone to write something somewhere, in a specific way.
Examples of The Verb “Escribir” in the Affirmative Imperative
- ¡Escribe un poema! (Write a poem!)
- Escribe una carta de agradecimiento. (Write a thank-you letter.)
- Escribid vuestros nombres en la lista. (Write your names on the list.)
- Escriba su firma aquí, por favor. (Write your signature here, please.)
- Escribamos nuestras metas para el próximo año. (Let’s write down our goals for next year.)
- Escriban la respuesta en la pizarra. (Write the answer on the board.)
Negative Imperative
Pronouns Pronombres
you tú ¡no escribas!
he,she,it, you(formal) él,ella,usted ¡no escriba!
we nosotros,nosotras ¡no escribamos!
you pl. vosotros, vosotras ¡no escribáis!
they, you pl. (formal) ellos,ellas,ustedes ¡no escriban!
When We Use The Negative Imperative
The negative imperative is used to prohibit actions or give commands in a negative manner.
Here are some examples of the conjugations for the singular and plural formal and informal pronouns.
Examples of The Verb “Escribir” in the Negative Imperative
- ¡No escribas en la pared! (Don’t write on the wall!)
- No escriba su número de teléfono en este documento. (Don’t write your phone number on this document.)
- No escribáis durante el examen. (Don’t write during the exam.)
- No escriban en los libros de la biblioteca. (Don’t write in the library books.)
- No escribas correos electrónicos mientras conduces. (Don’t write emails while driving.)
- No escribáis en la mesa, por favor. (Don’t write on the table, please.)
Online Spanish Courses & Grammar Courses
I hope you found this “escribir” conjugation guide useful!
For a full list of Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Courses, check out this full list of online Spanish courses.
I put this list together myself, and it comprises a mixture of courses that offer Spanish grammar practice for all levels, conversational practice, listening and writing exercises in Spanish, free Spanish courses, and a whole lot more.
The fastest way to learn Spanish is to test a mixture of Spanish resources and choose the course that coincides most with your learning style.
In addition to online Spanish courses, on this site you will find a wide range of Spanish podcasts, Spanish apps, Spanish YouTube channels, and both online and physical Spanish language schools.

About James – Or Should that be Santiago?
My name is James. I am a Brit with a love for the Spanish language. I have lived in Spain, Argentina, and Costa Rica, and I have been teaching Spanish for over a decade. This site will show you how to master the elements of Spanish grammar that often dishearten learners. I hope you enjoy the site and find it useful.
If you are interested in taking your Spanish to the next level, check out the Courses section for a full list of the Spanish courses I suggest. All reviews are based on my personal opinions.